That bass is NASTY
That bass is NASTY
Thanks! Making that bass is what fueled me to make the track
Classic song for GD, I love the intro, great atmosphere, the eastern influences could be more gradual, but I'm not complaining. There isn't really a build-up, but a stopping of percussion and a riser going into the drop, which is okay, I guess.
The drop is extremely dated, the wub wubs and yiy yoys are very 2010, but my problem is the lack of variety. The intro and the drop seem like different tracks and don't cohere well. Its also a sudden change to the song.
I don't like the drop but I can't complain with an intro this iconic. I hope mr-jazzman sees this.
Thanks for your honest review. I don’t entirely agree with everything, but to each their own. Is it dated? Yes, but the song was made in 2010. The lack of variety may be due to the fact that it’s supposed to sound like 2 robots battling (just track the song against Titanomachina, the video it was intended for, to see what I mean). But, that brings up something that I abhor about most modern dubstep: the fact that most tracks are so spastic and detailed that you lose the core idea. It’s my goal in the future to create more stripped-down but heavy music, which I imagine you probably won’t like. However, I prefer to make music that I like and share it with the world versus conforming to genre standards.
Joined on 6/27/20